Hello and welcome today happy Easter to you What I did like this It's very important We reflect on the reason for the season And as we all are one too few days of this term It is incumbent that we reflect on the reason for the season which is love You see God so much loved the world according to the book of John that He gave His only begotten Son so That whatever believes in him should not just have life, but have it abundantly There is nothing more important or more precious than a man or a brother Leaning down in life for another that is what Christ did for us So the essence of Easter is love showing love to one another and Willy book says that a proof of love is ensuring it to another God has shown us is under force by sending someone to come die for us to demos to give us salvation The world view of love is simple do unto others what you would want them to do for you And so as we celebrate Easter do not forget Do not forget that it is all in love you find peace It is in love you find harmony It is in love they exist Every group thing you can ever think of So as you celebrate this time Remember those who have done children Remember those who know we don't have the privilege of using even a mobile phone remember those who live all in the Sun and wind to account existence remember those Whose voices are never heard? Try a best not to end Easter only in the church Extend love to all and sundry because like I've said the existence of love the proof of love is ensuring it's to others I Know it's a very busy season for me
I have quite a lot lined up for my day I will try as much as possible To join you if you invite me in your programs That I believe will touch the lives of those Who are less people eat among us so? the reason for Easter is about sharing love and Don't forget according Do you want to others what you want them to do for you? Happy Easter to you Before you go don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel and my social media handles not showing on your screen And that means that to you, thank you