Hey it's me Dax we're back with another one of our 30 days with Dax's is date number two and in today's video I'm going to talk to you a little bit about a question that Stephanie had asked Stephanie asks how do i feel quite end luxury retreats now for those of you that aren't aware I've been running retreats for quite some time nothing about ten years certainly one of the one of the first in the health and fitness area in the UK to kind of you know take territories really high and I'm not talking about a fitness boot chemical talk about something extremely high end my own 121 clients have paid me as much as 25,000 pounds a week Michael for a single one to one retreat my group retrieves normally sitting somewhere between the six and eight thousand pound mark a person with anything up to about 14 15 people on low on those retreats as well right so there by most people's measure this certainly certainly pretty high I know the one out when i first ran my my 121 it was it was touted Ingrassia magazine is the most expensive residential when they call it boot camp for the most expensive residential boot camp in the one so look at the end of the day I know something about delivering high end retreats and services right now I've been doing it for a while that said I just want to put it put this out there so it's clean and clear I'm not saying that my way is the only way there are lots and lots and lots of ways to run retreats or and lots and lots of ways to go harder to go to what most people would call the high ticket end of the market there's lots of ways to do this I'm going to tell you my way because that's the only way I can speak about right kind of is it this is the way that I've got experience with i know i have tried different things over the years in order to fill my for my programs what i'm about to share with you is actually the pretty much the way I go about it now so this is exactly what I do to fill my events and get paid for the high ticket and all the rest alright so think number one is to get clear on what you'd be specific retreat theme is right so don't sell a retreat you know kind of don't say a and even if it's a fitness retreat don't so a fitness retreat if it's there because a couple's retreat don't just sell a couple's retreat train well as most people call it nice or niche if you're American right kind of dig deeper into into the specific theme of the of the retreat so for example one of the group retreat slowrun is called the Guru project and perhaps you've heard of air rights so the Guru project is a is an event that's specifically designed to help entrepreneurs and I heart-centered entrepreneurs and coaches to be able to find their voice in part find their voice shark in the world powerfully impactful E and get paid what their worth in order that they may go back to achieving a lot more fun a lot more freedom a lot more fulfillment a lot more financial success because my marketplace if you won't protect perhaps this this is you know kind of resonating me you is that I work with and I attract a lot of people are extremely high centered having these big ideas for the impact that they want when making the work and yet find themselves for whatever reason following the herd or being told about stuff that they can't do and they shouldn't do and they must do and the most always do and all that kind of stuff and before you know it kind of what used to be fun is not fun anymore they thought a business go around other people's ideas because that is not as fulfilling anymore they're not really working with who they really want to work with anymore there anyone with a wallet and the pulse is kind of ends up becoming their client they're certainly not having as much freedom in saying they're working every hour God sends and they're not having the kind of financial success even if they are making good money you know what by the time they add up all the hours I spend working on their business it doesn't feel like they're getting good money anymore right so the Guru project is a themed project specifically for those individuals and specifically around the concept of being a guru and again think about that most people have got negative connotation to the word guru all right so guru kind of sounds a little bit like you know kind of mono snake or so salesman right fitness guru or marketing guru or kind of facebook at school whatever else to be most people kind of got the air quotes thing going on right there you go but most people got hit and got the air quotes thing going on whenever they think about guru well for me a guru is the person it comes from the Sanskrit GU means dark four innings lights or grew is somebody who moves you from the dark into the light and the other way that you can enter that is a guru set is it though it's dark thing again but or light and heavy thing like the Guru basically helps you put down your burdens so think about that light in a couple of different ways light as in kind of the light shining on you when you're in you're in the dark but light as in helping you put down the kind of the sack of sack of rocks that year you started to carry from doing business everybody else as well that's the thing and the idea that we're trying to build up a system for people to fall back in love with not only their business but their lives right so anyone who's been on Google tell you that it's kind of as much much deeper than a business mentorship raise say something much much bigger than that so what were your theme be like what's the deep theme because I off the back of the deep theme you want to get clear on what the specific problems that we see in the retreat solves and how it solves them right so the Guru project is built around built very kind of seven ends of Guru so kind of we got there we got the the messenger the magic the message we've got the we got the money without the model we've got the market we got the marketing right each section and what will notice is that absolutely the messenger comes first so we don't even look at marketing until the end we don't try to figure out who the marketplace is going to be who your avatar is kind of you know what they're willing to spend we have to say or who are you what you about what your magic well I want your gift to the world what's the kind of message that you want to deliver to the world okay no one figured that out now let's start to figure out the money once we've got the money let's figure out the model once we got the model that's what start to figure out the market now we've got the market let's figure out the marketing it's very different night so you can see it's themed for solving specific problems along the way right what it what it that also means is that each one of those problems can be reached in to a bit more deeply because it's based around a theme now you can do exactly the same thing right so you look at like okay let's just drag them sake say you're working on something to do with self-esteem in it so it's self esteem in Mother's maybe or maybe were specifically talking mother's right buscaba I don't know your retreat is Stephanie I'm not sure who you're trying to serve with this but let's just for argument's sake say is it's not just women it's women who are models right now okay kind of so now you start to identify what are some one specific problems that you know maybe maybe you're working with them because they've lost their self esteem or the kind of you know it's reduced their lost their way and I they used to be so certain that who they are well so now you start to look at like what are all of the steps involved in getting getting a mother back to experiencing massive self esteem feeling like she's she's kind of number one back in her life again that she's not subservient to the other walls that she's got no like what would some of those steps be knows what are the problems that she's facing and some of those problems might be to do with not knowing her values other parts might be to do with time management other parts about to be through how she manages or any gmail relationships and so on and so forth now it starts to break up into these modular components right so each modular component has its own set of problems and then it has its own set of specific solutions now what will those solutions be whatever it is that you believe is important to creating the solution right why does the problem to exist what is the solution that you bring them to how do you do that so you would divide your retreat no quintal modules so guru is a guru is a 10-day program that we spend actually nearly seven days on the first on just the first 3 m's right there the the messenger the magic and the message we spend most of the time on that because the other parts kind of kind of three to four days is more than enough to get through the other stuff and these are very full days by the way they're not like short you know do a couple of hours here and there now on fitness-based retreats from one to one retreats I've got a different format again but the idea is the same that is modular the modules are broken down into here is a problem here is a solution here are the tools we need and the steps we need to take in order to create that solution so create a systematic themed approach to solving the problem in a modular format next development useful analogies and stories that attract those who most need it and repeal those who don't right so your job is not to be here in persuasion mode right like try traditional copywriting traditional marketing basically says put this message out there and then counter all of their objections and kind of you know anytime a person would think well this isn't for me and I'm got well don't worry about trying to counteract counter objections don't worry about trying to persuade people into it in fact go the other way repel the people that I'm not going to be a good fit for it right say look if you're the kind of person who who won't take seven days out of your life in order to current you know if you've been struggling with this for 10 years but you won't take seven days out of your life then unfortunately this is not going to be for you it's not you know I can't help someone who's not gonna get you'd say in the way that you want to say it but the underlying message here would be it's not my job to kind of drag you kicking and screaming to your salvation right it's your job to create the life you want there if you want to be part of something like this this would be a really great fit for you but if right now in your life you you're not in a space where you can take the time or spend the money or do it that's cool but this is definitely not going to be for you then so don't spend time persuading people you want to be actively repellent not repellent in a way like up your screw you kind of i hate you i never want to work with you and i don't recommend it to anyone like even if even if they're not your market right but repel them in in terms of where they actually you know as they read your copy or they watch your videos or whatever they immediately say are this is definitely not for me like a car for diya aur kaante amount of time out I don't want to get on a plane and fly all the way to Tyler whatever it happens to be right we run the retreat in Thailand because of who I am when I'm in Thailand and who I am when I'm in Tyre and is extremely relaxed I mean in my favorite place in the world I'm in a Buddhist culture we're eating amazing food the weather is fantastic I'm relaxed I'm calm at peace and for me to deliver my best retreat needs me to be all those things right and I also happen to believe that when people come out they're going to have a very similar experience but regardless my first duty is to myself on my retreat but what what's the experience that I want to have and if I'm very clear on that I have eternity to attract the right people if I if I start to think yeah but damn you know maybe they won't come all the way to Thailand maybe I should go i'm doing portugal I've got nothing against portugal but maybe i should go and do in Portugal because it's closer and more people would come well look kind of i'm probably going to sell myself out okay so think about think about that develop useful analogies and stories attract people so kind of you know everything the Guru's it is an analogy and restore any lenses brilliantly to lightening the load and darkness and light and all of that kind of stuff and throughout you know anyone who tell anyone who's been on the group project will tell you kind of threw out it the the theme runs continuous kind of moving some dark to life we can tell people are kind of you know and language around the other course when they're there I actually explain to everyone on day one briefing that you will be moving back and forward from dark to light and in fact if you don't do it spontaneously I will be asking challenging questions that will you might be having a really up day and I'll ask a challenging question that it's deliberately designed to invoke your darkness temporarily right and that's the language of people use their like how you doing today home Justin just feeling a little bit dark at the moment right that's how that's how we know that the theme is holding together and people that have been through a guru even now kind of you know the ones who came several years ago they're still using the same kind of language are using the same stories of technology so it really is really stuck next in terms of the actual marketing of it specific marketing of it create learning resources to indoctrinate people long before you ever attempt to sell them and buy indoctrinated I mean brainwash I mean kind of take people through your philosophies don't let their website done that your website or your sales page be the only place that a person meets with your with your philosophies like create a PDF report create a creative video series create three or four videos where you guide them through the story of of wine you know kind of who this retrieves for who is not for why did you build it was that kind of stuff all of that cool stuff and then spend as long as you can or relationship building before you ever bring up the subject of cash right I know it seems kind of well you know if I just ask us with amazing day I'm going to get a yes or no well look it's that kind of you know will you marry me thing here the old cliche William only thing from marketing right to walk up to a person in the bar will you marry me their likelihood is that they're going to say no right very kind of if you take them out on a bunch of dates you get to know them you have dinner you know kind of all that kind of stuff you build a relationship asking them really for you marry me get your your likelihood is a lot higher it's kind of like the same with filling Europe filling your retrieves if you go if you go for the wallet too early if you say kind of you know basically my term for this is by my shit so if you're going to a by my shit conversation early basically you put people into binary mode no right there can only answer yes or no you've made an invitation no I'm not going to do it and very often once people say no they reinforce their no then once I've decided it comes off the table right so don't bring people into a binary yes no soil again instead kind of spend time building the relationship and if you're spending time building the relationship you increase your likelihood of yes and even if then even if they haven't said yes to this one but it's still now kind of poking around in the back of their mind maybe for the next one you know I'm sure that's true of a lot of people people in enlightened coaches there are people that didn't haven't come on the Guru project so far but they really want to and they haven't said no to it well you know I'm doing this for life I'm I'm doing this work as a coach and an educator for life so it doesn't matter where whether everyone comes on you know I love it when my for my events Phil and people come and I'd love it if you come on on the next one but it doesn't matter because there's going to be a next one and the next one next one I only do it twice per year but kind of theirs there's the opportunity in the future to do it I'd rather I'm wrong you build a relationship with me and get to the point we said dammit got to go on and that's what an advice for you as well and build a relationship now the key word there was spend as long as you can or relationship building before asking for the money because let's say for example it's an expensive retreat like that you're going really really hard to get people a lot of people would need a bit of time to pay for that so kind of think about like what would your payment strategy be for that and if it if you're letting people pay let's say it's three grand or whatever right Nealon and you're letting people people pay that in in monthly installments well you know kind of 31 k installments or is it is it you know 6 500 pound installment or five hundred dollars and was like what's it going to be pretty obviously unit you need to start asking at the time when you going to want the first installment is not coming in that's just one way of doing of course I know plenty of people who that you know I've made bespoke payment plans for people have come in a little bit late it didn't have all of the money to pay right away and I've also kind of had times where it was just simply a one pay and that was it there was no option for for instance I've kind of had lots of different different approaches but whatever whenever you're the ultimate here is whatever your decision is around what you're going to charge for it and what how you're going to put the payment planning that is obviously going to affect when you start asking people for money if you've got a six month payment plan so that people going to afford it you need to start asking money than six month point so ideally you wanted to have been building the relationship and going through your doctor nation before that there's a lot more I can say about this the indoctrination itself has a has an entire process to it the relationship building aspect and kind of even the specifics of what goes into that but hopefully you're getting the gist hopefully that makes sense this is really about building our theme sticking to that theme creating a creating a modular format and then building building up a case both for and against attending might be polarized people get people very very clear that this is not for them like damnn all that guru shot stuff sounds like bullshit I don't do all this self development work to grow my business I just want to be told houses and Facebook Ads great because that means you're not going to be SAT there with your arms crossed and grimacing at me saying why did I pay so much money to come on this shit right I want to get rid of the people that don't belong and I want to attract the people that do and I don't want to have to become something that I'm not what I'm doing very much of my retreat because if if that happens you're just going to leave you're going to say yeah kind of really what about the money okay and that's not a good advertisement for my next time and that's really what we're always thinking about as well kind of where you know this is why systematic themed modular relationship building indoctrination this one will become so important because we're thinking big picture I ticket isn't a one-hit wonder it's a it's a game plan because what high ticket really is people what people get focused on the ticket part right kind of theirs which is why I to get has such a bad rep among so many people because I think that high ticket is just about squeezing and much cash you can out of prospects and clients what high ticket really is is a commitment to high touch hi care hi attention hi focus hi delivery hi experience that's what I took it is and that's what people are paying them so put your put your mind there stephanie wright and anyone who's kind of looking put your mind there right how can I create high touch my experience I commitment high connexion hi all of those things and then the high ticket part will kind of cell itself that whatever price tag keep on it becomes almost irrelevant because it's already been indoctrinated into the pro people were looking at again even as I start reading your material they're like then there's no way this is going to be like cheapest isn't going to be pennies and that's the best place to be so I hope that makes sense and I hope you feel like I did a good job of answering your question really looking forward to getting your feedback Stephanie and anybody else who's been listening to it like what was your takeaways what was the big art hall or light bulb for you or what were any of the following questions it might come as a result till next time guys take care