Hi! its Dawson Church here from EFT universe I'd love to share with you today about the junction of Energy Psychology and coaching
Now for many many years, coaching has been gaining popularity and there now literally millions of people making living as life coaches, health coaches, sports coaches so on in the world And there is new wonderful field school Energy psychology, but what they bring them both together magic happens, when you bring in the fundamentals of coaching and combine them with Energy Psychology You get the best a both groups, for example; What of the structure and coaching in school and assessment of the stages of change Now when i was an Energy Psychology professional not knowing much about coaching, i was great at offering people energy sessions But i didn't always know refinement and coaching psychology like the stages of change
There are several of them, one of them in contemplation I am thinking about change I'd plunge in to my ''Energy Healing'' session thinking that well is persistent in front of me, they must be ready to change not so many people of all kind of resistance, they have hidden obstacles to success, they have some caught of barriers If you don't address those first and access where they are in those stages of change You can be work with somebody is those ready, when they are nearly ready for change
So, its important bring in these tools of coaching in to psychology I also we use to used the coaching psychology module in our Energy Psychology Certification Programme A module from another company, we loved their module, they have the best module on coaching psychology in the business, we used their module for while But then we thought, you know that module is missing some stuff and it is very few case histories, it has no neuroscience and it doesn't have any information about ''thriving'' and ''peak states'' So, we built all of those things in, and developed our own coaching psychology module, which is just amazing, it is literally better than the best coaching psychology module we can find earlier in the business
So, its a fantastic module, its gives you all neuroscience behind coaching psychology and it shows you not just the psychological research behind coaching, but also bring your clients not just functioning well but beyond that is thriving and peak states Would you combine all of that knowledge in the coaching world, although sound psychological principles with magic of Energy Psychology, you get the best of both ** and clients can that thrive and move in to states of joy, states of love, states of just magnificent thriving that they would be able to take before So i love to invite to need to know more about our Energy Psychology Certification Programme Go below and click to get our free course sampler, it'll show you the science behind Energy Psychology and how no to need of other people thrive, but you can thrive too Please go down below click to get course sampler
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