ok I need to come to you straight from the heart this is just my heart and I don't even know you don't know who's going to watch this but somebody needs a little bit of inspiration at this very moment because somebody out there has something has come along in his life and it's something that event that happened in your life maybe you failed at something maybe you are someone told you gave me some bad news baby you're in a relationship and how the other person decided they want to go a different direction or whatever the case may be you going through it you feeling the pain and now you have to make a choice whether you want to suffer because there's a difference this pain like stepping on a nail in the dark you can't do anything anything about that that's that's gonna hurt but the suffering comes again would you start attaching a different meaning like never have a successful relationship I'll never do this out never do that that's bull it's not all the weight room so we attach a different meaning to it and I'm here to tell you keep moving your train forward whether you failed in a relationship whether someone came and told you some bad news events happen in your life in the didn't match your model of the world what how are you using the to push you forward that's my question because that's where the successes found you gotta keep your train moving forward I know it hurts right now and you got your head in your hands and you feeling bad and now it's time to change of physiology and that's what I wanted to tell you you can do this you just gotta go through it to get to it if you leave me help reach out to me please that's what i dooo dragnet that's all I wanted to see already a two-minute I was trying to get this done in one minute or less obviously didn't happen that way so this message is for you to all those who don't need it just let it pass you back the train moves forward