I'm gonna talk to you about some things that I've learned in my journey Most from experience some of them I heard in passing Many of them I'm still practicing, but all of them I do believe are true Life is not easy It is not
Don't try to make it that way life's not fair, it never was, it isn't now and it won't ever be Do not fall into the trap the entitlement trap a feeling like you're a victim You are not get over it and get on with it So the question that we gotta ask ourselves is what success is to us? what success is to you? Is it more money? That's fine? I got nothing against money Maybe it's a healthy family Maybe it's a happy marriage Maybe it's to help others to be famous, to be spiritually sound Leave the world a little bit better place than you found it Continue to ask yourself that question now your answer may change over time and that's fine but do yourself this favor Whatever your answer is don't choose anything that will jeopardize yourself Prioritize who you are who you want to be and don't spend time with anything that antagonizes your character Be brave take the hill, but first answer that question what's my hill? So first we have to define success for ourselves And then we have to put in the work to maintain it Make that daily tally Tend to our garden
keep the things that are important to us in good shape Where you are not is as important as where you are And it's just as important where we are not as it is where we are Look the first step that leads to our identity in life Is usually not I know who I am I know who I am that's not the first step The first steps is usually I know who I am not Process of elimination Defining ourselves by what we are not is the first step that leads us to really knowing who we are You know that group of friends that you hang out with? That really might not bring out the best in you? You know, they they gossip too much, or they kind of shady
They really aren't gonna be there for you in a pinch Or how about that bar that we keep going to, that we always seem to have the worst hangover from? or that computer screen right? the computer screen that keeps giving us an excuse not to get out of the house And engage with the world and get some real human interaction Or how about that food that would keep eating? stuff that taste so good going down, but makes us feel like crap the next week We feel lethargic we keep putting on weight Well, those people, those places, those things Stop giving them your time and energy Just don't go there I mean put them down And when you do this, when you do put them down, when you quit going there When you quit giving them your time you inadvertently find yourself spending more time and in more places That are healthy for you that bring you more joy Why? Because you've just eliminated the whos, the wheres, the whats and the whens that were keeping you from your identity Trust me too many options
I promise that too many options will make a tyrant of us all So get rid of the excess the wasted time Decrease your options If you do this you will have accidentally, Almost innocently, put in front of you, what is important By process Elimination knowing who we are is hard It's hard Give yourself a break Eliminate who you are not first And you'll find yourself where you need to be Instead of creating outcomes to take from us, let's create more outcomes that pay us back Fill us up Keep your fire lit, turn you on, for the most amount of time in your future We try our best we don't always do our best our architecture Is a verb as well Since we are the architects of our own lives Let's study the habits, the practices, the routines that we have that lead to and feed our success our joy Our honest pain Our laughter Our earned tears let's dissect that, and give thanks for those things and when we do that guess what happens? we get better at them And we have more to dissect Be discerning choose it because you want it do it because you want to We're gonna make mistakes You've got to own them Then you got to make amends And then you got to move on guilt and regret kills many a man before their time So turn the page, get off the ride You are the author of the book of your life