Don't take the presence of the storm to indicate the absence of God Sometimes when you enter into a storm and there are all kinds of storms health storms physical storms financial storms emotional storms there are all kinds of storms
I'm not talking about the storms that rain down water and the lightning and the thunder and all of that I'm talking about storms that other people can't see Undetectable storms storms that make people think you haven't been through anything Because you get up out the bed every morning and you, you put your hair up and put your makeup on and- and they don't know you put your smile on, just like you did your makeup and walked in smiling because you are going through a secret storm Has anybody ever gone through a secret storm? See- see when you go into a visible storm somebody will hand you an umbrella, or a raft or some help or some assistance because they are aware of your suffering But when you go into a secret storm, there is no comfort there because nobody knows that you're dealing with a secret storm
They're jealous of the car you're driving, not knowing that it's two payments behind They're envious of the position that you were promoted to not knowing that, now that you're promoted into that position you can't even rest at night you can't even sleep at night you've got so much pressure, so much responsibility on you And all of a sudden you're in a storm and nobody even knows it and when we get in a storm, we have a tendency to wonder, where is God? Job said “I looked for Him, He was there a minute ago, but now I can't find Him I looked on the right side and I couldn't find Him I looked on the left side and I perceived Him not, where is God in the storm?” Because we buy into this notion that if God was with us, we would have no storm that if God were really with us, we would be happy that if God were really with us, everything would go smoothly that if God were really on our side, we would have no family problems If God were really with us, our bills would be paid how could God be with us and us being foreclosured? How could God be with us and we have cancer, how? Job said 'I can't figure it out, how could my kid die and God be with me? How could my house be on fire and God be with me? I looked for Him, I looked for Him I didn't see Him, I didn't see Him I looked on the right I didn't see Him, I looked behind me I didn't- you said you had my back I didn't see Him, I looked in front of me I thought He'd lead the way, I didn't see Him But you cannot see in a storm That's why He told you to walk by faith and not by sight
You cannot see in a storm don't look for God to be sensual in your storm, He will not appeal to your senses Your senses add to your comfort God will not make you comfortable in your storm but just because you are in the presence of a storm the storm does not negate the presence of God nor does it indicate the absence of God In fact if you really want to see God do his best work get in trouble Your dreams are worth it There will be things in your life that were meant to destroy you you can be doing all the right things and still face difficulties
Keep in mind that you are a fighter and not a quitter I want you to keep fighting Keep fighting through those storms Are you gonna let some storms destroy your mindset? Are you gonna lose focus of your dreams, goals, and destination? No, you're gonna stay in the game and trust the process The storms are going to come and they're going to come with rage Every storm you go through is bringing you one step closer to your destination
And I want you to remember that you are never down-and-out waking up every day lets you know that you are given another opportunity to be great If you want to know where God lives He lives in trouble The Bible said He is a very, very present help in the time of trouble if you're looking for God, He's in the storm He may not be saying anything you may find Him asleep on the boat in the bottom of the ship but don't think that He jumped off the boat because you were in a storm I'm saying that just because the ship comes apart doesn't mean you have to come apart In fact the destruction of the boat could be an announcement that you have arrived at your destination Stop focusing on what you lost and start living on what you've got left
Don't be so aware of the storm that you lose awareness of the God in the storm Imagine being on the boat bound and tied stretched and weary The thing you was counting on to get you to the other side the job you thought you'd retire with to get you to the other side the house you thought you'd have the rest of your life to get you to the other side and the storm got it how many of you have lost some stuff in the storm? Lost some friends in the storm lost some people in the storm lost some relationships in the storm and it made you feel like a failure But you’re not a failure it was a temporary blessing If it was meant to stay it couldn't leave Stop grieving over the boat don't let rich folks fool you in some area of their life, they are impoverished
Don’t let poor people fool you In the midst of all of their financial poverty if you get close to them you will find that the poorest among us has a rich that cannot be tabulated in an account Life is fair And you think that if your life does not retain the shape that you started with you don't think that it can get you where you're going See the boat didn't cease to exist it just took on another form I can't make it off of what we used to do I cannot be who I was yesterday I can only take what I got left
If I had needed more boat, He would have gave me more boat He didn't promise to save my boat, He promised to save me Just cause things are broken in your life doesn’t mean you can't survive I'm gonna try it on y'all over here Just cause things are broken in your life doesn't mean you can't survive Stop trying to glue the boat back together it may not ever be like it was but grab whatever it is and hold on to it till you get where you're trying to go
You're gonna be victorious about this and you're gonna be victimized about this Every victor is a victim in some area of their life and every victim is a victor in some area of their life, they may not tell you and it is, it is not so much from the enemy that such pain comes What I'm trying to tell you is, you can't be saved by what it was you can only be saved by what it is