so I'd like to briefly start by introducing dr Paul our beloved speaker and I've known him for a number of years he's an honored instructor at UC Berkeley Extension in art easels certificate program and he teaches in many different programs he teaches our students about many different teaching methodologies as well as there is rooted in second language acquisition and more importantly dr
Paul has personally helped countless talking about hundreds of teachers cert transformative teachers because they're really focused on culturally responsive teaching and student-centered learning so it's wonderful how he uses his passion and skills for education and how he uses to transform classrooms and by extension the world so I really hope you will join me in providing a very warm welcome for Dr Pullicino very kind and very generous introduction into the great honor and privilege for me to be here tonight at the share my expertise and experiences under strict topic transformative learning for the lifelong learner and culturally sensitive teaching instruction I should mention that I originally come from Afghanistan I you citizen and I'm very I feel very blessed and fortunate to have to live in this beautiful country and to be a citizen of this country and also among all other states to live in this very multicultural multilingual goal in states where most of the you know technological instructional initiatives are basically initiative initiative over here so I feel very very good about that also every morning as nancy mentioned that I teach a number of different places one of the places I Teachers College of Alameda there I teach English as a second foreign language actually I did it as a second farmers and the kind of a meeting with students from around the world last time I counted we have students from 58 different countries is studying together each culture class I teach there are at least sixteen seventeen different linguistic groups so every morning when I enter my easier classes and iguanas one of the researchers who was doing a study for her dissertation and she was there last weekend or this week and she there were 45 students rallied from 16 17 different countries every morning when I entered the classroom I really feel blessed to have this opportunity to be in this multi-lingual multi-cultural environment in every morning when I look at these students I always remember what affiliate Garcia said in relation to multiculturalism in relation to diversity and california writes this actually affiliate Garcia who work has been published in common because book basis the principles informations of bilingualism in bilingual education she used the Garmin metaphor for the united states and from multicultural she said the united states like huge beautiful garden of flowers flowers of different colors flowers of different shapes flowers of different texture flowers of different flavors and she believed that what all these different types of flowers different types of colors and fragrances makes this country beautiful this huge garden she also believes that the teachers are like gardeners and our schools just like gardeners are the teachers should make sure that everything like a good gardener in this beautiful garden should make sure that what every flower get enough sunshine enough water enough nutrients in enough attention so if you want to read she's she wrote this a lot more elegantly than I just a paraphrase of words go to foundations and principles of bilingualism and Colin Biggers as she's written a lot of all that one in this metaphor in particular but in order to give you a glimpse of this multiculturalism like to share some statistics with you diversity in California as of 2012 this is our pics here we have 394% white Hispanic 382% and then followed by Asian that includes all Asian countries 139% almost 14% and then african-american 66% American Indian 1
4% Pacific Islander 05% and then we have two or more races or mixed racist 36% this was California 2012 out of 38 million people this is the make up of course the United States populations is there too and then to look at the linguistic diversity you see that English is the primary language spoken in california makes about 572 percent of people here speak English as their primary language followed by other languages other than English that is what one 428% on a 43 percent of California's speak a language other than English and and foreign-born or about 27
2% I couldn't do the math to give you the number but I don't make mistakes so I lifted up but this shows why that's what exactly what he'll say the beauty of the diversity Mr T's and languages in our state of California to give you a picture of different languages spoken the 10 top languages spoken in California English 288% of people speak what english is the primary which and then followed by Chinese and then buy Spanish and Spanish was actually 86% and then Chinese 28% regalo this followed by other languages Vietnamese koreans Armenian persian Japanese Russian allotted top 500 or other languages close I made it 12 ok to be more inclusive Arabic which is the same number with Hindi point 38% and then followed by French which is very close so this shows you how diverse our state is actually years ago there was something a newspaper about the court system in Los Angeles I did I don't know about the court system here in San Francisco that on a weekly basis English was translated into one hundred and ten different language so that tells you how diverse our state and this is what this is what she was referring to and i dont with thick and ethnic diversity there is digital divide also diversity here that we need to look at and what does it mean to us as educators and structures and what how we can deal with this diversity not only that but also what the digital devices use 88 percent of American adults hops hopefuls you might think that everybody has it only 88 was 20 percent of people don't have it ok so 59% of Americans on a laptop so the computer companies must think that what 41% still need a laptop so they could probably work on it to make it more attractive nineteen percent of Americans or ebook a long way to go there and then sixty-two percent of Americans go go online wirelessly and a 78 percent of American adults use internet look at the next one ninety-five percent of american teenagers use internet so those of you that you're dealing with teenagers and school system this is the district's tell you something that you really to utilize that what education so what does it mean to us as a mission so what do we do with this story does this make our job easier for this going to make our job more challenging the answer is one that probably makes our job more challenging because we have to use culturally sensitive matters to reach out to these two answer to the receipt to reach out of these different types of students in you something of a multi-sensory approach to construct this to us in our classrooms so what I'm going to what I'm going to share with you will be a number of approaches methods practices I'll suggest some of you may find it very new either a final review but I certainly hope all of you will find it useful idea that the methods techniques that I have used in my classes and the College of army than other places and have proven to be extremely helpful in practical and they could work with although the emphasis that we have over here I've been so far emphasizing what linguistic minority students but you will find other work with anyone I need school system just basically sensitive method of instruction what what you cover in this presentation we will look for meat for reality and simulation so I will talk about that takes a few minutes in actually give you a couple of demonstrations so you actually experience learning another language a language other than English and then you could judge whether what that particular approach is useful did you learn or did you not you could judge that by yourself we'll talk about multiple intelligences after that scuffling what techniques can use their number of visas couple but I'll just share couple of those so you look at that and then we're going to look at Bloom's taxonomy those of you that you're dealing with teaching reading teaching listening are you may want to use your become familiar with bruising and the learning through participation so making learning experiential what can you do to make learning experience oil some people wouldn't learn things to do it it's the doing that would make the difference for it and then you look at the most important thing knowing our students what can we do to know who instruct and how it will go to the other part of this and at the end you have time to ask questions and I'll do my best and I will do my best to provide you with the answers and if I cannot provide you with the answers take Microsoft find answers for it so easy and mental stimulation doctors Steve crash and who is internationally known cycling was and is a professor of linguistics at USC please don't mention that on campus over here because their football team is always coming here and doing not making a very happy so he came up with a model of language teaching article in which he refers to as the national approach and I'm going to explain that to you how this works to want to help students comprehend English with very limited English language cells and I'll lose another language to do that so what he did was he came up with this morrow would you call that the natural approach means you learn language natural children learn their first language that's what he means by national and then the mean enforces the mean premise office office model is included to dr crashing means you mean i +1 it means comprehensible he says that learners can get your input understand your input only if it is 1+1 I plus one that doesn't need to be for linguistic input on language but you can teach physics or biology or chemistry history but it has to be one that I +1 lap so I mean the current level of competence that's what it means where students are right now in +1 means what one level above it sweetie Commons at what if students are at this level you teach one level above if you teach like six level above the level of competence they're going to lose you if you teach the same level they're not going to learn very much the chances are you're going to bore them if you teach below their level you're just basically wasting her time so the most important thing is 12 fine what their students wear the suit or the supervised in the bill proposes very difficult to go to class of 34 Michael situation 45 or 50 students to find what everybody's you have to go for the bill difficult it's easy to say it's difficult to do but it is possible to do things one should provide that i +1 and then it gives you a lot of tips and I'll share this with you what what are the things you can do to make it 11 starts for violet calls it a filter which is a mental block if students have this mental block whatever you provide it's not going to go through that because whatever then structure provides it has to go through what it actually gets to the language acquisition device and this is the wording that it took wrong Chomsky a doctor chance considered one every child every person is born with the black box on the back left side of the head or brain in that black box which we call it lasts or language acquisition device that enables a person to pick up the linguistic input and the kind of learn the language he said whatever input we give it has to reach land if it doesn't reach my nothing but what can you do to reach there is a mental block is this soldier if you don't like the bill to rock and filter anxiety level if students are anxious they're uncomfortable physically or emotionally whatever you do it's not going to get so what are the things you can do to lower that's the most important thing so you need to touch why is one we need to teach culturally sensitive ways to reach out to other one thing you can do is what is valid valid experiences talented students cultures validate students and respect what they bring in once they see that they are validated their languages valid experiences cultures validated their respective comfortable that's the first principle and then of course there were a number of other things other than our nation that could watch how the person to get the input to the lab with Getzlaf the person will somehow gotten too Dr crashin why pick it up so conscious like the way children do that's what he means by acquisition so there's a difference between if you look at the dictionary acquisition in learning they're synonymous terms but not doctor crashes Book II makes a distinction acquisition is like you pick up with something other than this case language subconsciously effortlessly like the way children pick up your first language they don't come to UC berkeley to learn english the just pick it up but learning is while formal learning that you go to take notes you suffer you do all the work you fill in the blanks you conjugate all of that's what that's the learning part so he says is model promotes what position learning language effortlessly and and like the way the child but the most important thing to me model is input distinction between two types of inputs 1 you call the finely tuned and the other one you call it roughly 25 is an input that the instructor is using charts graphs pictures reality which means real object everything possible to kind of what concrete eyes all these abstract notions so if you do that you're providing what finely tuned and put our give examples of the few minutes and roughly to an input is something like this did you hear you mean somebody talked you mean percent of world here in a word there but you really what you're hearing is what toys like if you're if you're sure a lot of soon as I know here this week several other languages in addition to English so initial stages of the second or foreign language acquisition it's extremely difficult 21222 to talk to somebody on the phone because you don't see the person you don't see the body language used it just shows you it's extremely hard to do it so can a console without using visual aids is an example of what roughly to give an example of roughly 2 I'll give you two examples 1 properly tuned input and one finely tuned and I will use another language not English see which one you can understand and I would be surprised if you understand what the roughly 20 of course I will test you extensively understand that so I'm going to speak another language so please don't leave the classroom ok so what the teachers they just what they hear is what like what you her knowing not it doesn't sound like much but that's how can you take this knowing that you her and give it one shape and make it comprehensible that's what you need one sensitive crashes this you know I use the word chance which means comes from the word chance you know if you listen very carefully probably couldn't get the comment that I know what chance plz plz plz but you may know we're here and there in the new house and I'm afraid of the party continued for next 15 minutes in that language I would not have as many people as I have right now so doctor crashes in a classroom this kind of input doesn't have a place you really need to go out of your way and make your input comprehensible i +1 and what can make it finally to find other mentioned is one you use pictures used chalk use graphs use bombing use racial expression and by using all of this you could make what your input comprehensible I'm going to use the same language and demonstrate this one and you'll see whether you can understand something or not ok I know the name of some of the participants were here some of the audience but not the others so I'll probably make myself familiar with at least some of you that I don't know so have you participated so I'm going to demonstrate the finally to input the US the nineties now me eat dinner now who leaders artists michelle has no issues Michalis knowledge management Norma Sharma and Carlos number should be no assurance James Hyman novice wages but not as much as may not suffer no penis nom de Michelle US businesses my mother's marlys the Marlins artists gone matters nancy's nothing but she on the bus now mia Lina Lina nominee marion barry are you want nancy c God on its economist mothers normal others nominee leaders Lena no more limits my level Nani the Chargers normally Michalis Michelle Shockers nominee Maria Maria Shriver not meeee knees and Jacques de Michelle Shogun Shogun so what you can do to me exactly that's one very important that you need to watch chunk information don't get too much because there is another linguist who is a rival to dr
attraction is very mclaughlin human being limited capacity process can take so much information at one time and processes if you overwhelm the system if you overwhelmed the learner so you need to be very careful distinction this is culturally sensitive to that what we need to be there different needs and to all Muslims may be able to pick a lot and process but most people will have what difficulties in the doesn't matter whether you teach math or English or or or or history we need to consider this principle as you say we need to change information one law change the time then once thats internalized then we go on to the next and practice that so what difference between want finely tuned in roughly two hours what changing what do differently and presenting the trial attorney please exactly don't tell me the petition doesn't work ok language acquisition there are two principles and the two different opposing theories one is called behaviorism by beef scanner and he believes that what people earn or it could learn their or their infants learn their language their first language by repetition repetition position are any got a lot of criticism of that and then now in between in real life when you learn something along with you really want to hear it one more time is right for repetition does help even though this doctor's killer stories is not marketable these days but there are some part of it that what we could still use when you teach no matter what you teach language or any other things find a way to kind of what repeat if repeating is not the right word we came up with other fence viewers we call it the recap it's the same thing ok repeat the same thing ok recap for a lecture like in a place like this recoveries what you proud of racy the same thing in different words students to benefit whether you teach language or whether you teacher so we try to find ways because the world is a petition memorization so what not good quality of their negative so in a sort of memorizing memorizing internalized used it sounds very good further we internalize things just like you don't buy a used car anymore you buy a pre-owned car okay so it's the sink notion that we need to work what we need to teach language just 11 principles what little bit of the time secondly do what the petition or recapping something that what will help the learner here the same thing one more time and we will talk about learning styles in multiple intelligences in few minutes and there are people that we call them auditory learners auditory learners do benefit to expect things to be repeated they never get tired of repetition but there are people that is the position they want to even the same thing is repeated they wanted two different work but there is a learning the group of people there are other to learners to benefit from the expect the teachers repeating what else was different so the petition help Chongqing help what do they do differently the second time engagement if you just give a lecture people but when you when you want you to think that what students are engaged and they expect that what they will be called ok so they kind of prepare you keep them on their toes into my God is going to call me this is hard to watch and then you kind of what think about that one and and this distance hopes to what so keeping students while on your toes and alert is another technique that these are all the precautions ideas of how you can help it become more what comprehensible and provide finely tuned in to no matter what you teach what else do different things at your name chunking repetition and keeping Athens on the terms interaction right so interacting with students exactly at the beginning its position it's always good to start from here and now then go up so you go from concrete upset not obstructed Congress doesn't work that way so when you teach language or anything you need to start from here and now and then ago one absolution so that's why it was insufficient with language you want to know people that's somebody wants to add to the different exactly so this for teachers if you're a shy person teaching is not the right thing to do you really need to go out of your way in what use body language facial expression I contact people that that's another important principle that's what we have to use charts graphs visuals body language facial expression I contact everything that what kind of express ourselves and make it one conference of anything else that you could add to this list of things that you can make input comprehensive introduction that you want to know the person's name persons proficient in probably all of you god is that when I think my name is normal muscle what does it mean my name is my mother's i'm ok mom I'm a teacher right when I think that is what is her name is but she did you use a dictionary to get you have a degree in English Dictionary right now ok to use a translator did you know that how did you get it is the question you got it because of what all of these things we said because of contextualization because of talking about here and now because of what because of repetition because of Chongqing because of interaction because of keeping visitors on the toes so that's why I don't believe somebody said they would try doing the first day of class I don't I don't speak one word of Spanish and my students pick one of things have to translate into what do I do read crash teaches you how to make input and there's a lot of tips on that one I just share to comprehensible case of I was because he didn't speak the first time I give you this the speech so it was zero plus extolled doesn't work ok so but when I heard one the finely tuned input I used my name to just build at 101 and then build on it to learn the gender occupation so you can do all of this kind of teaching there is a good chance that you could get input 122 language acquisition device lad and that translate to 12 wire competence means you pick up the language of course you can't prepare to the city you you can only prepare them for what for this interpersonal interaction so if you want them to pasadena City this is a good start but don't do all that you have to do other matters so there's so many other things to do in order to take them prepared for a city in order to make your input comprehensible you need to do you could make it three ways one used in reality pictures pictures reality is what real objects using the characteristics characteristics of people in objects around you that's exactly what I did I use your characters I use my characters male named occupation that's what using characteristics of object in people around you that's the way to make input comprehensible the third one which is a very very popular method and some of the members of the audience I know they know it and some of them probably do not already forgot it is called CPR CPR stands for total physical response and we are very lucky in the state that we have all these leaders of Education also we do not will not run on behalf of the leaders in technology education also distinct CPR was originated shape it is right now by Professor James russia and he popular around bro going to almost every country which is on the map and a stop this one and now that you cannot travel so i think is message to twice a year and one use CPR total physical response he believed that one total physical cognitive psychologist dr James I'm sure he believes the show so when you teach adult learners you should not deprive them from this mood ok like like if you look at the command that you give to a child at the beginning of language acquisition for the first year fourteen one that they cannot talk you tell them things to do they cannot talk back to thank God they do it was alright give you some commands that we give to kids to perform and they do it around young kids will be quiet quiet the chances of a percent 70% that they will be quite okay what else stand up stand up ok eat thank you eat okay what else go to sleep ok not know what else was sure didn't have to work on that one thing it TV talk was your house or something expensive to write what else is the kind of community give to him to social linguistic was very early life but before they can see things they want you ask them to do something and then do it without being able to talk to a doctor I should believe that one you can use for teaching language of the beginning stages while doctor using you know characteristics and input could apply to other disciplines as well CPR is mostly for what language you could use advanced ages and other disciplines so he believes that one adult learners from this one so you could learn a lot because you will find out the problem of you didn't feel comfortable to see her because you don't have the sound and in English you thought that if you do this over and over you make it a sort of the lead editorial with those sort of their so because of that you didn't feel comfortable to say we believe that what the beginning stages we should not make the learners time honor silent period we should honor silent period mean we should give us time to be silent but still learn the language so children when they learned their first language for the holier their quiet it doesn't mean that they're not learn the art of learning internally but they are not verbalize so cool in stock we need to do using 1 I'm going to use to help you how you learn some dirty words which was what model and 15 minutes that's very good actually to learn other words by using CPR let me ask I know that some of you here to classes you know who defeated you did not take classes here do you know what if yours works but I was trying to do a short version because the longer it takes a long time so too do the short version of TPR I'll have to bring a couple of people here and remember when you come here because you want to see them ok here's to go there sure that wasn't there was a shop so everybody 122 minutes probably took us two minutes or or I did not do because it takes time it means what I do the same comment with everybody I don't want to inconvenience you provide a copy of which you what you don't ask them to produce they just short comprehension after six weeks go back and watch for while the beginning all oral oral oral oral and then they see they hear it and then the copy and indeed they make it everybody repeat and then student teacher practice with one another so unique a very unique that no other better and that is what the student told the teacher what to do for the students of the Taoiseach stand up stand up what cha cha pick up to erase erase the history teacher that economy Dr Asha kind of changes the dynamic learning and teaching the teacher becomes kind of one barriers something about psychology of learners if you if you do this and and the learner to kind of connect with a teacher and teacher becomes part of that was ok so these were the command that you her so this is what you said but of course because to do the written form of the language provide this information what all this writing in English English so they can read it if you do both American students the written form and also the language to New it's very hard to process so one thing at a time so 1st 2011 which ones they develop some or proficiency then go to writing and reading imposing both of them at one time will be difficult for using reality students do not understand a word you have no back now all you do is what they can listen to you give them what non verbal responses and some students are silent and the silence could be from 10 hours to six months we have to be extremely patient teacher if the students come out top with the first six months to smile don't expect them to do want to to produce its own production the learner uncomfortable and anxious and give them and when the learners inches uncomfortable other guy is not comfortable one way to make them comfortable what to expect them to talk as long as my body language point to this point all the object in the console can you up pointed are all other reason there are for example wash all these verbs bring through to bring vegetables you can show them to two possible peel a proper the popular in the world peace washer and dryer and you can just see how many verbs you can teach them by just so everything which was won by using TPR for the first beginning to be 90% teacher talk because you are the talker they can produce so you talked you tell them what to do like what I've been doing I did all the talking a little bit better so there is a continuation but still they cannot produce long sentences so you go with one question is this for example or pencils you point and then they said we don't expect it to come up with complete sentences or what did you eat last night the afternoon anyone think peter that's one word ok so where where did you go to UC berkeley ok or on the floor they need things so they didn't have to come up with that the whole thing we give them time and that's why they're very patient and the stage 3 here emerges so you could kind of raised the bar and give you one more chance here it's 40 percentage of top 60 percent student fee for ninety percent we got to 40 percent each attack you consider that at this stage you are why would you think question described question this means what you ask one question expect them to come up with several cities like how do you make green then the after come up with sentences at you world war or something you put the key back there and wait and then shortly thereafter come up with several why do you want to learn english because they come up with a number of reasons why they're learning I do want businessperson why why did you choose business major then they have to come up with so far these questions you have to wait until the already so that's what the russians suggesting that you need to find the students are level and you teach them be but there are so if they are not ready for a while how question if you ask the question then its way above the level of competence they're not going to perform is not going to be what is successful teaching learning situation and the stage for the really big pitches in da precaution make a distinction between big sitting because mission on here this one this big social language that you need for social interaction that stands for basic interpersonal communications social interaction social interaction you know it's easier to 1 cup which is academic language here they need to learn academic vocabulary they need to be able to compare to summarize all of these are what we believe that if you've always matter to this could reach this level of competence to be able to watch from being totally to being politically dominant in the class over here it's only 10 percent teacher top 90% one student died and that simply means what the teacher is basically facilitating communication the cost of this is basically silently just great situation where students can express themselves right treetops and all do all of that but he said that's how this thing can happen of course everything that you say or anyone could be criticized so this is models but also criticized but a few users morrow if you expect people to become conversationally competent to talk about themselves to talk about it does work but to preparing for take Izzy team president come to UC berkeley you probably need of more than one crash and you also need prayer and a lot of help so but it does help so it's a good stop not a good in so those of you who are involved in language teaching these teaching and learning this is one method that can get you started what one thing I should mention is that all of these efforts are made to avoid the one thing and that one thing is what translation that you don't translate in the class and see if you really want students to learn to become competent the language to to speak the language understanding foreign language you do not translate see dr Christian knows a lot about the East you learn several languages himself you learn English of course as first language to learn French you learn Hebrew you learn German learning English five languages you speak from experience that translation does not help because translation make it easy for you remember easy come easy go if people don't put their best effort so the best thing is what to make students as possible yes it's not easy yesterday made you frustrated yesterday need fuel tire but that's what learning doesn't tell those kind of things deals with transformative learning for the lifelong learner and especially culturally sensitive instruction is that regardless of what subject matter you teach and where he teaches at UC berkeley main campus or extension or USF-four here in China or India and China you teach here in teaching Korea you really need to make sure that won multiple intelligences in your classes and that means that you try to activate every learning modality possible you find an excuse when you're right you listen you really need to ask yourself what do I have for special intelligence or for somebody who is what we call it a visual what do a full visual learner if you use dark russians method you a lot of body language pictures your reality that takes care of what the spatial intelligence visual learner so you must try and something that students could do I can see even if it takes something very very upset I'll try to make it visualizes that the short term on the board Paul point I think is the best friend for 14 teachers it really makes life a lot easier so if they just see the text of what you're saying that the requirement of special intelligence and then watch the musical intelligence there are people that what they feel comfortable with music and also due to what people want to hear things that they are watched that the other two learns and there are a lot of auditory learners and other terrorist benefit from one hearing so they also benefit from the petition they want to hear them do so if you like music you like a song how many times you listen to field so I found one of the last three months it takes you from Concord to Alameda every morning and brings me back from UC Berkeley 22 Concord again I never never get enough it's a result song it's one of these Indian style has all I want to apologize I one of the languages that I used to speak very fluently and losing a little bit so as I hope you want you never get off it's just the same thing those people that are the torah learners they want to benefit so in your classes whether to give lectures with you give easily advanced classes provide them with one with tapes most books these these come with one with a CD that because the reason they're doing as what they want to take care of these are the two runners because they could whatever they hear the class is one thing but they can go home and listen to this dialogue like 15 times there's nothing wrong with that you want to hear it like somebody said again you wanted to give it one more time the same thing that so that's important and teaching and other intelligence is what bodily kinesthetic intelligence it's the movement they need to be moved to touch things touching things you bring an object to the statute make a physical connection with that that will really really want that physical connection with the object you bring it always guarantees learning the name of the toxic the pronunciation of the object it's just the physical personal touch that you do so having students to move around not sitting like this discharge of wanted person will not be very happy actually this mysterious dr Howard Gardner from Harvard University came up with this multiple intelligences 1980 and he will not be very happy to see these chairs and do not lose this is not what that movie when you want to wake up but what to do what to do group work to move the chairs to walk around like we cannot a face-to-face interaction this is not good for that thing so they can decide that you'd meet this physical movement find reason and officially all of us classrooms regardless of what little we teach we're dealing with here generations and in TV generations would be what every 15 20 minutes watch this commercial the people expect 2012 something of a break of a different activity so if you if you if you talk like what I'm doing right now over an hour and without a break in the chances are that what I did you break when I was doing the total physical response that's the difference so the chances are that you could lose what the students so you really need to what for why this public static activity and interpersonal intelligence in learning styles culture independent learners these are the one that should learn of the death benefit from interacting with others talking to each other conversing with each other through cooperative group work is the best thing for this one so there are people that they will not learn and listen to the talk to somebody because this cooperative group would provide some gonna watch support structure you you find the data support for you it's just like we in a few minutes I'll talk about scuffling and its coupling is basically what a support system you'd support students when is kind of what vulnerable that does not feel comfortable you see that there are two other people with me in the same boat and this board is not syncing so they're going to help me state so this is doing just that we have diff names for this interpersonal group work while there are other people that they hate group are you told them who put their blood pressure goes up after work with people again there are there is nothing wrong with that so we but the thing is a custom we don't know who likes what what kind of intelligence is their preferred learning without it so we have to use what I'm multi-sensory approach so that's what I said that this what affiliate garcias it about this diversity in the united states and the diversity that I shared with you linguistic and ethnic diversity of California this doesn't make our job easier because we have to use a multi-sensory approach because we have to reach out to people of different backgrounds so that is that and then try personal all these people that they are they want to work they just don't want to do want to be part of a group in there is nothing wrong with that either ok if they want to buy a house they want to buy the houses very in at least there on one side they don't have a neighbor ok just don't like to be surrounded by people just go to some computer labs somebody wants a working computer they come in they find a computer there's nobody around gotta sitting back there is an example of what I feel sensitive letter nobody around him so he's a few independent interpersonal honor it doesn't want to be what up sorry gotta just give an example I needed that example yeah ok he's sitting all by and citizenship leave so people that they work with UC Berkeley Extension they want to be left alone ok that's what they want to be left alone yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly what extension dependent interpersonal intelligence thing by themselves to do want to be bothered ok intelligence is of course there are some people to do good with language you can create language taken dick and write short stories they can express the victim King use their imagination right off that that's what that's so in our classes again we have to have activities that kind of what is inclusive of that that's why we have to ask people to write journals for it because that's the expression in writing that has to do with linguistic we have to expose them to what fiction in the class ask them to read something which is fiction or non-fiction stuff a lot of reading that deals with one with those types of expressions either personally or productively either the reader to connect to expect them to producer so that's what you need to do with linguistic intelligence and of course with analytical intelligence as your people that they have this mathematical intelligence today they are able to what take the whole break into parks and then put it back together so we need to think of what we are activating down intelligence and our customers and then nationalistic or do that one that they want to be close to nature and the new number of other intelligences that has been listed on if you go to our gardener just type multiple intelligences they have listed three other one's spiritual intelligence existing national intelligence but that's not us we don't want to class and have a prayer session which is the spiritual in 2007 deal with things so these three or four or seven that we are eight these are the kind of things that we can do one with with a class of like naturalistic intelligence like with you teach science you you bring for example ya soon as the water recedes and take care of this lawsuit because the planting a plant flowers and flower this food so where do these things like that is finally her things and kindergarten you're doing what you were active in naturalistic fish for example lead them to the water ocean if you do things like this you're dealing with naturalistic intelligent and there are people who did a lot to do that especially they they just left to do that and so that's what this beautiful garden this beautiful garden requires a lot of work from the teacher so we really need to watch making sure that one every every to the beauty of this column it's not easy so we have to pay attention to this because these flowers what you've acquired this type of attention from us so in every little one you really need to 12 to make sure that you have something for these different types of intelligence that's what the implementation of multiple intelligence means the other thing I want to talk about which already covered is the way we use this when you print a building you have to have a scaffolding or parent education that simply means while the jump to provide instruction when the concert in the skills to prison for the first time are kind of difficult so at the beginning you try to provide on life support but gradually once the students you feel that they can stung by themselves they don't need to school but when they are just beginning to learn the language or beginning to survive in that class you need to go out of your way to provide that support system and that support the system is what scuttling like what we did in this so far in this class and this this presentation today that like using TPR is what a way to talk about because in TPR when you talk about learning styles here one of the reasons TPR this is so successful is because of what activating different learning modalities so in TPR you'd see what the teachers doing the physical act you hear what can you do what he's doing you're basically auditory canal standing in the visual all these two or one activated in learning becomes very experienced so there is not a coincidental that one night the coincidence that what she piata successful why that successful because of activists different learning without these the visual learner benefit from the other two wheeler benefit from it and also deconstructing learning different from so that's coupling that when you when you when you use when you use multiple intelligence your classrooms then establish one once they move from the state while the concrete handle abstract you don't have to have as much support so what are the things that in addition to what we said so far you can do to to to scuffle are provided by the way is to using play w ill talk that's a technique for scuffle and does a few you don't know what it is you can use this and teaching science you can use this in teaching history you can use this in teaching language you can use this in teaching social studies politics linguistics what time it is a very very successful I have used it all over the world has never ever feel and the way it works is this ok wlk stands for what I know and for what I want to learn and Ella stands for what ok so you when you use this when you describe the process we're not going to do it because of time and I don't want to bore you to death too with all these activities and late hour but I'm just going to describe how this could be used and I'll ask you if you have used it before to give us your experience and idea of all this so this is what I know we give the students every student you could use this also individually with students receive thirty strategic victory copies of this give it or you can put students in groups so you could you could use for interpersonal and interpersonal what activities so you could you could use the multiple intelligences so it could be a class the whole cast could work totally flexible and that's so you give them this and then you introduce a topic that you intend to teach you want to teach them to stop let's say we these days when we hear a lot about Syria because of the Civil War everywhere you go the newspaper you know radio television internet over there something with syria and see the topic is syria to ask the students in groups or individually write down everything you know when you do that what doesn't happen what happened you activate one prior knowledge in this this the fact that you offer this is a way that you honor what students bring to class then maybe studio very quiet all of a sudden you bring a topic that they feel so comfortable talking about it ok so you activate the prior knowledge that's what it is you create a scuffle their own knowledge becomes what their support system in the new one of them after the road right now so you can go from class you can bring it into five different groups one group two groups each group rates that part what is it that you know syria the fact that each group's share their knowledge a lot of learning takes place you haven't done anything yet you haven't given the passages and then you ask them to one in the middle column there write down what we never ask all the questions I always had to go back myself in the past I didn't know very much always win their own did all the research myself now I have found the way I told the students to find their own answers and then sharing ok so here you tell them to do what to write down what is it that they want you know and told the class so there's a lot of what class participation then it may be too long to read silently and then after the retirement Lee the after what will this point what the dealer and they present then again it takes a lot longer than what given collection of giving a lecture these are you give a lecture everything is covered but did students learn some question with this one you really make sure that they have a lot and they also learn things that you did not intended to learn but that's the real questions they want allure so this the middle part what I want to learn after they arrive down what I learn you bring them back to 122 this part and say ok now are questions that you have that this reading did not answer 12345 write down the questions you may find that for every group there is one or two questions that one will not answer then you need to find a way to deliver that information and that's real thing deal even want to know that that's the knowledge do you want to seek and that's very important that we need to give what's to this you basically Taylor teaching to the students need that's what they need that they want enough ok so they want to know for example who was the father of this president of syria for example or how long have you been in power or ok this civil war who is hoping the opposition while helping the opposition so they give the question you don't have the answers but when you bring that information you're asked the students to go into remission bring it to class the next day then it becomes a very real good situation that what students are really soft knowledge and then they are found that knowledge and they would want that kind of knowledge is what kept longer internalized because you deliver it I'm sure a lot of people discuss problems some people in this class views that anybody has used this knw in the past the real classroom and wants to say something about their impression you moved ok and how this works great I was testimony over on this side of the class anybody use it in a real class you did it work for you when to use it to use at the Mandarin Chinese quite out of the world so learning facilitators of knowledge make learning easier so when you use kewl you basically a quake of not in literature like you know what we have and universities so you you just facility because students do all of the world they live this time they write their own question and then I don't know what the indeed read what they learn and do what they want this is the best example of what student-centered learning you just needed to lower it to the students need and what it always worked ok never even if your interpersonal learner ok yourself okay it does work ok I have also used it all over the world pitching different languages different contents teacher training linguistics education testing as always work and housework and the keto system for about six years the top middle school high school this was like a lifesaver because it really involve students especially the keytool system junior high high school kids if you go in literature review become impatient you really need to have give them something to do in this really gives them a lot to do they think they talk to each other that's what they want so they get that and it's been a very productive way and they also produce how many people are killed hope teachers here great this is it's a life-saving believe me it's a life saver and I've used it never ever ever failure yeah we'll get to companies I don't know how we can get copies but copies of this one you can email me I'll give you my email others outside color copies yes another matter another method that you could use or another way that you could use to scuffle to provide the support structure and to help students what activities prior knowledge in one way or the reason we activate prior knowledge is what we want to honor what students bringing the class they're not what they know that's the first question asked what is it you know so that's that's that's respecting what the thats validating what this one but it does require with work on your side the job to do some typing and making quite a while the other one was what a lot more teachers friendly because you don't have to do it with other than making want wants it just making copies of the farm take the classes smile all that works this one you need to do a little work meaning what you do of course read the passage and then come up with some statements about that passage that you are you wants to this story what you do with anticipation guide here you AGREE another column and then statements about what they want and then before you read the passage you give them this and ask them to what real estate walk either agree or disagree agree disagree agree disagree you may have turns 29 statements I think you make it very long it becomes boring I think it's one page statements 9 statement statesman statement becomes more hundred you can handle it better so go over just again PowerPoint is the best thing you can do is used in overhead projector or something to help students visualize its and gore and then once you go over it and you get students to say whether I agree or disagree with it then you do want to give them the passage and then gone again to see what after this something they didn't disagree before the read it but then they read information they agree with them some knowledge to what to think about this what they knew that the product was right was wrong and they agreed with something and they read the passage in this still keep the same thing agree you confirm they're not it makes them feel good while I thought I know it now this they will remember that one way is what this is another way of one kind of hoping to the internalized the new information it really really works let me give you an example I will not give you the passage because copies for you but I will give you an example let's say that you're going to read about this this this this statement and I'm going to read for you just in case you cannot sit wherever you are the first taken as a bamboo is really three some kinds of bamboo grove four feet and one day the bamboo plant grows best in cold weather bamboo is not very strong man who is used to build bridges bamboo shoots a useful food bamboo is used like pipes to carry water bamboo grows in Asia and Central America bamboo is a member of you give them this is a agree this is okay let's do that how many people think that bamboo is actually the name of this passage is what and their the bamboo tree and it's a song and the bamboo tree yeah I would not think it's ok and the bamboo tree although if you do it you could say instrument remember you also activate one musical intelligence yeah and bamboozled really agree with this one 222 333 people only people agree with us for one day ok the bamboo plant bamboo is not very strong agree bamboo shoots are used for food and then and for the rest and then you give them to read about them three pages to pay his and then ask them to do after reading the first time in the early reader the answer is one you confirm their dick really really kind of solidifies what they know and if they agreed first time in the read the passage in the passage disagrees with what they know then that really you were you wrong and now this is a real it really helps them comprehend me he now it really really hope so with this in this works with non-fiction mature when you teach social studies science or you could find some creative way to use it for fiction but it's hard to kind of do that it works better with one nonfiction because with fiction you know it's hard to agree or disagree things could be imagination so that may not work so anybody in this crisis as use this type of scuffling many of you use it at your reviews this will cost no matter what teaching reading anybody else's use this one the class I'm to use it really highly recommend this one then see if not you have what subject user making learning fun students have fun with it that's what you wanted to have fun culturally sensitive although we all talk about second language learners and this is no different linguistic groups different cultural group but this will work it's just good sensitive to check whether your native speakers of english words because if you just use this is just good teaching I've lived in a good techniques to teach in using the class regardless of what your class so these were the scuffling that it's just you create a structure supporting the structure to help them at the initial stages to kind of deal with the material successfully and once they become competent you slowly and gradually remove the cover them let them stand without the scuffle and deal with the area the other thing is the question types of question and usually text books of two types that you make questions would do in the care of that there's also a question that also comes into that the other group of questions or what the WH question those nine words like you know what the wind where or why not those kind of question the what we call it a cool questions and issues includes these regular question yes no and this is not the common legal but this is it we do use it a lot when you're teaching English as a second language especially this is used a lot by native speakers so it's a good way to what kind of expose second language learner at the distal question because the first two are very common values the actually the first question is or the first semester petition how to make question would do it doesn't but a lot of time they want they use regular W provided to example greenhair somebody says so I could work what it means that just like with music up toup some sound forced to get if you don't have a summit so you have to have statement first statement you a quick question and to somebody makes it just has green I always think about the health wise it just screams so you just make question from the city doesn't follow the rules of the question to make what you would do or does or something but the fact that you say you could emphasize the name just because you can't believe that just tired or you know that one just dyed her hair with you do that should I agree so you could put the emphasis of the echo or the prominence as the other two terms on what on the now that hair green had so that's basically exposed to the statistical and then the other type is the WH echo that again likely yes no or regular echo you are from the statement you make one question like somebody says that brokers help him so it was just like what is now the answer is one so that kind of a question is used a lot in interaction in daily conversation but unfortunately is absent from his original so we really disciplined now but these are questions between you teach reading these are you teach grammar you deal with this but the last question when they hear something when the in the class so that's why you need to look at questions that are not about just what when where surface so there is a divided this question types of cooperation and he calls it analysis question and then synthesis question evaluation application comprehension question and knowledge questions we believe that when you teacher reading passage like what Mendes it if you teach reading for example if you teach social history if you teach psychology sociology if you teach discipline to do you want him to answer questions about what the red medicine for example anything to do not do well this is what it is not just be happy to ask what where when why is a good question to ask force to see what show service comprehension but you need to ask the one question the deal with one announces application why would you do now I'm going to shoot example each type like college level question for knowledge level for example let's say they really story it could be fiction it could be non-fiction could be newspeople so you are still name all the characters in the story you want to see whether they have the knowledge of what they read or not that's an odd question you asked him for Windows the story take place within the security place they need to know that information service where so the characters the place the setting all of that is what dealing with the knowledge with a competition to go deeper than that own words what the story is about to hit you don't want them to memorize but what internalized to say the same thing what the different words that's a good level of competence if you can see the same thing not using the author's work but your own words refuted the beginning of the story I'll explain why this story has the title it has so there is a title why do you think it's a good title for this if you justify why this is a good title then that means what that person is good comprehension good understanding of the passage draw a picture of the meaning of the story for limited English proficiency this is like when you ask him this question wow you really really hoping that because of what the linguistic ability to explain what the main idea is what they can do that with the picture so you're also using what activating different intelligences but again you just think what is in there you're not promoting critical thinking yet so that's what doctor bruises what these questions are beginning but they shouldn't be just you really need to promote justice critical thinking this is to make students to become more sensitive to what connection to what they know what they're so you need to take them a level beyond that and that's what I've read something you ask the other person story I'm really questionable too so the person has to know the story first that's the first principle that they need to know the story and then they can come up with another situation so again here there is no wrong while in the first two types of questions the knowledge and comprehension there is a right answer and there is wrong with this one there's the right and wrong answer they give you a situation and that's what they think is while a similar situation what could you do if you could go to the place where the main character Liz it's an imaginary that application questions if I go there I will do that this is just the right for this does no wrong but that is what I asked students to use their I they mention I taught in middle school at the very heart everytime I teach a class of the answer is yes I usually do the pencil unusually nice to have because I knew that what you really hard time after I learn techniques like using my my classes that I put students in groups to do the other four level application analysis and evaluation and put them in groups with me I did not have discipline because the reason they were acting out there were giving me a hard time because I was challenged to a lot of time students misbehave because they are not challenging if you challenge involved but using some of these practices that I recommended you also take care of a lot of what classroom management so this is one of them that they just coming up with ideas of how if you go to that place was in the 2012 strange funny ideas and you want them to share with another level of comprehension is analysis question you ask them to do want to analyze things happen in the story but could not have happened in real life so they need to know the story and then they need to know that's how these things so there is no wrong answer is doing to pass think of a title for each part the story has one title let's bring it into four parts each part time they need to know the main idea repower to come up with a title that's keeping busy listen five compound words from the story again you let them there they want to find out what compound words are and then they figure out and come up with the answers this question these are questions that you really wanted to show 1 overall comprehension passage and so we have to make a pop-up toaster or puppet or painting etc of the main character of the story that's another thing that you wanted to express themselves usually use other loads of what expression right ending to the story that's different from the author's what the authors road that's shoes good thing they need to have complete control of the story in order to be able to come up with this compared to characters in the story which one is better likely or like to spend a day with love to talk about the number of different characters is it totally which character you want to spend a day with and why wow these kids different characters and this is what is it that they like with like to get married again there's no right answer it's a way to one involved but they need to show the comprehension opportunity go to the place where the story took place which is why or why not Syria to them not okay yeah not so that is what Bruce taxonomy using that one is also a way to watch scuffle because you really hope the one you honor what they bring to class you help them get involved with one another there is one because the way that the recommended by dr bloom you use the first level comprehension in the sickle knowledge for the whole class the other four levels of comprehension analysis application synthesis and evaluation should be done in 10 you divide the class from that passage from each type you give them so it also entails what different learning more about these activities different learning styles another thing that I like to add to this presentation is making learning experience TPR and other than the other tips that I give you the other thing you can do to make learning experience here is a list of recommendations and one of them is one to use operative learning activities in your classes so again because you want what the way that we should ensure democratic demographics of our children for example or raise and single-parent families or how many children or born out of wedlock and join our public schools in what does it mean to us and our neighboring city here in Oakland 75% of newborn children of one out of with and that is what they are raised by single parents single pound that single parent is busy with one with bringing food on the table that means what the child goes to school at age comes home and what watches TV and there's no interaction and when the mother or father we were the single parent is coming home after working eight nine ten hours a day doesn't have time to do what down and talk to the child communication watching TV so there is this despite this the social structure that requires what this cooperative learning and we need to kind of what some of these practices are designed to make up for what social structure so this helps with that because you brings to this together they interact with another do you work together these soft problem together also people to work on it too solid you basically respect the fact that while you are in or not the learn means you do you expect them to know the answer for this so psychologically they believe that the teacher is thinking of me or someone who can solve a problem so that's why doctor king who came up with these principles he believed that by using principles of cooperative learning you basically consider students as an or rather than one learn and that kind of idea hope students think highly of themselves and and work together and solve problems and so I will not be able to cover all of this on in detail with cooperative learning how just basically the main parts of it that work together basically help them to achieve a common goal and then you create a climate of what sharing care that's another important piece of property and when you do that you basically asked and you are encouraging students to work cooperatively problems hours problems right indicator system other universal but at the cato system at least my experience teaching middle school a lot of time you know you just go there and try not to have problems sometimes they do create problem but when you put them in cooperative learning groups this is sort of creating problems so as I mentioned before you rather just when it comes to second language acquisition and also as a lot of benefits for single language acquisition but I should tell you that not all educators agree with the benefits cooperative learning with Second Language Learners because of different levels of proficiency in accidents and all of that but it does help that I have my classes at the college of Alameda or extremely large and she's seen the i45 5057 students in one class if I just talked like this all of them listen their life is going to be shortened because you're doing is only one day they have to do it every day so they want to be like to learn to talk in 15 minutes how many chances they will have to do the talking if there are 57 people less than a minute if I could find each person to talk so one way you could do is what do you say that what if you refuse to put people to work together on a task and repair work all the talk simultaneously they don't have to wait for me to call so that's the benefit that's what this one is maximizing language output and doctor taking always compares judicial situations with what this cooperative learning he believed that in traditional costume the learning or output is usually the teacher called on people sequential cooperative learning everybody talks as if you're 45 groups in this class also talk of Tennessee so there's a lot of language learning takes place and also when people talk and groups they don't talk to get the attention of the teacher the arena talk for a real cooperative communicative tasks you really want to express something they also learn what to take turn to contribute to conversation they learn the rules of conversation went to ask questions when to take term when to terminate conversation all of this can happen with his experience of talking and so they see want support system that they are not free to talk when you put the students on the spot in a class like this because it's everybody's attention kind of if you're going to talk a second or third language you don't feel comfortable you're a further 14 incision grammar and vocabulary choice so you feel uncomfortable so in cooperative learning the second small groups they're not afraid that's why it is one that there is a willingness without year so there is no fear in cooperative groups so again this is another culturally sensitive way of teaching and in providing help for the Lawrence I think I did cover one of the other pulling in this case the teacher doesn't have to call each person distance calling each other in the language learning game development that simply means what this thing that I mention that they develop social skills taking terms for asking questions interrupting for example asking not to be in trouble for example all of these could be what part of social skills that can only happen if the action takes place and that's not just for a second language learners that's for all students as I mentioned because of this distance deficit communities because of lack of what interaction between parents and their kids and also the other thing is what the social structure in the past families were bigger than a family like there are many brothers and sisters 345 now we have one one or two and usually people want to keep a distance between number one and number two because of whatever reason they have so that means one lack of interaction do not enough people in the house so you have to find a place for them and that's what class other things that are important to the future of not use cooperative learning is that you try to create it genius groups do not put all students are for example female in one room all-male in the other room or do not put all our thanks to speak one language one tried to mix them every viewpoint mix them linguistically they should be mixed ethnically gender wise quality wise will put all able susan one group and all very