Okay, I hope you'll enjoy this I'm just going to speak from the heart I just love to motivate the world If you're struggling right now Never give up on your dreams Always rise for the top- -And when you rise to the top, you must not drop This world Can be a cruel place You can be crying tears in the night And smiling in the day True success
True success is not diamonds, money, pearls or cars True success is rising up every single time you fall True success is if you can generate joy while you're going through hell in your life So whatever you do make sure you never give up We live in a system where the governments are greedy The number one business in the world is arms and weapons and guns While the kids are out starving in the streets People think money is everything in this world Money can't buy you true happiness People, society, that's what gives you happiness Rising up every time you fall will give you happiness Humans are insane Humans are insane Create drugs, created alcohol, created weapons
Humans created most of the religions in my opinion And now they're killing each other all around the world People say "I'm right and you're wrong" That's the problem with this world "I'm right and you're wrong" "What my family taught me is right
" People have blind faith People don't look deep inside their hearts and souls and ask themselves the questions They listen to what their forefathers taught them Day in, day out Day in, day out And they're spoiling this planet If you look at this planet from above it's ruined We're cutting down trees, we're killing animals We're destroying this world Only people like those in this room can give this world hope If you want to give this world hope, say "Yes!" [Audience says "Yes"] Say "Yes!" [Audience says "Yes"] Say "Yes!" [Audience says "Yes"] I'm unbreakable Say "I'm unbreakable" [Audience says "I'm unbreakable"] I'm unstoppable I will not be a victim of the past I will be the hope of my future I am not a victim of my past I am the hope of my future I don't believe what humans taught me, I believe what my heart and my soul taught me That's what I believe in I'm part of the creator, I'm part of the creation I can create miracles Everything in this room was created by a human I can create things, I can create the most amazing shows I can feed millions of people But I must forget what the brains of society have taught me most of the time So never give up on your dreams Always keep strong Every single tear that you cry in your life Turn it into happiness, and laughter, and joy Never give up
When you give up the game's over When I leave this planet one day When it's my last breath And I'm knocking at my coffin I'm going to say to this world: "You didn't beat me world" "I lived, I did everything that I wanted to do" "Every time I fell down I rose back up" "And even when I felt like taking my own life" "I didn't take my life" "I didn't want people to come to my funeral" "I didn't want my sister to come to my funeral and cry" I was born to win Who was born to win here? Who was born to win? Say "Yes!" [Audience says "Yes"] Say "Yes!" [Audience says "Yes"] So I hope I motivated some people in this room Talk is cheap, action is the main thing in this world Too many people talk about dreams Too many people talk about starting a business Writing a book But 90% of people don't do it 95% of the whole wealth in this world Is controlled by 5% of the planet and those are entrepreneurs In school they don't teach you what a bank account, or credit card is, or anything Okay, so I love you all All the best
Have a great evening I'm gone Come to my seminar on the 31st of March Please sign up That's my Admin Assistant there Take care, good bye [Audience applauds]