As Walt Disney said If you can dream it you can do it Now what makes me laugh is I know right now some of the people listening to that They say that's bullshit They're just limits to what humans can do and I get that response I understand it
I used to respond to everything like that I used to see only the difficulty I used to see only the ways in which it couldn't work out And I couldn't see I was literally blinded by fear I was blinded by some bizarre sense of pride that wanted to justify my limited existence That didn't want to have to face that I could be doing more that I couldn't be more that my life was somehow less than what it could be and So I would laugh at quotes like that and I know right now have the chills I know right now There are people that are laughing at that and all they can think about are the limits all they can think about are the things That prove him wrong and guess what he is wrong there really are limits But if you fucking waste your time focused on that you're never Going to create the momentum that you need to actually make something come true in your life You can build virtually anything, but if you get hung up on the fucking virtual part if you let that stop you if you Immediately go to the things that ultimately limit you And hold you back that is where you're gonna stay forever because if you argue for your limitations guess what my friend they become yours and Congratulations You now get to live in that box you get to live in that self-defined prison but if like Teddy Roosevelt said Instead of that you keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground and you don't act like somebody who can't see That sure there are limits There are edges to this universe but You're looking not at that You're looking at how he really executes You're Dreaming big and you're remembering that your feet ultimately is that contact point it is where the rubber meets the road it is that moment of doing and So if instead of rejecting it because your feet must stay planted on the ground Remember that in keeping your feet on the ground
That's the moment of action That's the moment of doing something about it that's the moment of seeing the fucking possibilities and then moving Doing something making it real so right now give up on those weird mental Mechanisms that make you actually want to fight for the things That aren't possible to get people to believe in it to get people to understand why You've chosen to stand still Instead of that convince yourself that you should be moving and don't do what you know you're destined to do