this is ADT 11 psychological nations knowledge six 51 transformational learning theory here the guiding questions for this video how is transformational learning different than reformation a learning what are some of the key concepts and transformative learning and why do you think transformative learning is an important part in the psychology adult learning and online environment transformation refers to the process affecting a change in our frame of reference a full change not just reforming behavior but changing where we never go back to the way we were before adults tend to have a really coherent body experience that defines their world and this can selectively limit and shape our perceptions of our abilities are confidence with the world in general so transformative learning is a really dramatic and fundamental change in the Foundation's the way we see the world in which we live transformational learning develop Sanatana miss independent kind of thinking we're become more receptive to change changes in ourselves and our perspectives as we go along allows us to not learn from authorities such as a teacher directed her therapist driven experience or coach led top-down kind of business model but to understand the meaning in our experience and to choose the kind of knowledge that we want to know we can start to analyze critically what happens to us maker own interpretations rather than acting on what other people say is important unlike information or reefer mation a learning where we extend are already established cognitive capacities in other words you 610 more what we know the same transformation expand this into new terrain we formation is different the transformation because reform implies changing one singer pattern where there's always a risk for turning to a previous state of knowledge where previous state of being was transforming means fundamental change in the roots of how you look at things for six states that this way of thinking refers to something like route expansion which is more lateral and rather than merely extending the branches what we know me to extend the roots what we know transformation refers to our frames of reference and these have a cognitive con tu very emotional component in the first place we tend to have certain habits of mind ways of thinking they're brought an abstract that have along historical place in our way of learning and secondly we talk about points view missus consolidation our habits to a particular belief judgment or value I've learned that I always drive this way or I like this kind of course and not that kind of course hear from the key concepts and transformative learning first evolved our experience and that rich reservoir biography that you bring to the expanse is integral to how the learning land fall for you and I don't tend to bring a real depth and breadth to this kind of learning process because they have to stay situated in their own personal lives we've talked about this and other modules that level of experience can come in many different dimensions experience can be in the here and now what's happening as you're listening to this video or it could be a memory involving us emotionally and spiritually mentally and socially and all kinds of levels so experience doesn't have to be temporal or just in the time that we're in right now example this might be if you had a bad learning experience in the past or if you got bitten by an animal and you decided that you just never like that kind of animal that would be experiencing from our past another key concept in transformative learning is power critical reflection this means we have an objective lens there which we're looking at are learning effective learning does not necessarily follow a positive experience but if we reflect on experience then we can take the learning out of the experience messrs refers to three types reflection on the content and process and the premise shown talks a lot about reflection and professional development refers to two terms reflection in and affection on action reflection in being iced reflecting while the action is happening in time and reflection on meaning we sat down later on back on what's happened to take the learning experience for these theorists talk about learning transformation and learning by the experience as it's happening to us the next key concept in transformative learning is development and that is that individual levels of development its inherent and in and outcome up the process so winner within the process we developed based on things like our personality or motivation our experience and our readiness to learn we can become better sinkers as our individual and cognitive and evolves so we can learn to take more the experience as it's happening to us mother says that perspective transformation is the central process have adult development if you think back on your own life there's probably been some incidents where a change in your perspective cause a significant shift in how you view the world how you view what was happening to you and this can be triggered by all sorts of things life changes changes in education and I anticipated changes as well the next key concept for transformative learning is context metres theories were developed initially on women returning to work and that tends to and critically reflect the values that the dominant culture which at the time is white male middle-class that we need to understand the context of this think really globally Andy on culture and gender an individual's biography and socio-cultural background really shapes the nature how we have experience the transformation are learning when we say personality and also emotions stress and health we refer to the fact that individuals respond to the same incident differently we have a different visceral response different emotional reaction and even the same incident can affect us differently at a different time and place to tailor refers to this is says same experience can transform one individual but not another think us a major life events have shapes the adults around your other people in your life and at some point there's a choice point where they decide how it's going to affect them with their with their gonna take the learning forward and change whether the cannery people's habits and other key concepts in transfer formative learning is rationality and affect and we've talked about this as well we spoke about emotions logic versus emotion better 10:07 over-reliance on rationality as the means affecting transformation and that emphasis on logic and the intellectual mind the left brain thinking you can make those connections from other modules that rationale is kinda westernized concept am historically we talked about the indictments and mind-body split dick are talked about so we really are in western concept that rationality is a superior way of thinking which is a a big cultural bias this idea that emotions and thinking are separate and that emotions are serve less evolved is very westernized Taylor though emphasizes the rules at the motion tuition imagination and feelings in transformative learning we can separate ourselves out as mine versus body but there we operate together as whole beans and we'll talk a little bit more but this may get into spirituality and how technology has changed her views on that what's the bro love relationships in transformative learning well I think it's key and I think relationships either foundation have any good learning experience the relationships you have with your colleagues your peers with your teachers and the relationships you have with yourself how much self trustee have to take some risks and make some mistakes Taylor said closely tied to the role of emotions and feelings is this role having meaningful relationships and ways of knowing that relate to other people participants can experience transformative learning to relationship and dialogue that's from Merriam which is a lot of work in adult learning and this is why we have the tutorial session where you are speaking high in Adobe environment and you have a chance to talk with your colleagues and that is a big part of taking in their opinions and sometimes it can change your mind in certain things in relief actually learning next concept that's important for transformative learning is social action well it's still controversial Metro who was a proponent of transformational learning was and criticized for focusing too much on individuals at the expensive the social emancipatory change part transformational learning but an individual's perspective transformation can also result in social action know we see this in individual changes that we can't do in our own lives and that everybody's action culminates in larger change for everyone very in measure have romanticized the social change process doing old do US this this miss this this this go this to this to this yes good you to this that's reflect on this 0 lot of the terms and transformative learning which ones have the key concept in transformer learning is most important to you in your teaching or work and what is the evidence that you have of this for example is the relational part the most important is learning from experience the most important do you actually do critical reflection in your work real life so we can put things in perspective and do you accept that your development is going to be different in someone else's development are you trying to get to a certain benchmark with the context of your learning or do you sort of debate between rationality and emotion as to which one is most important in a row love your work and learning here the census is questions for this video review the difference is that you've learned between informational learning reform ational learning and transformational learning which one it was challenging for you sometimes we like to revert back to where it's just easy to know the facts instead those back to the teacher and then we get a result and transformational is a lot bigger because it expects you to be part of the process mind body and spirit together what key concepts a transformational learning did you experience in this program or how can I Z facilitator help you to transform your learning a little bit better and what on it might be missing from your learning program for example reflection in this busy busy world we often go take time out to think about what's happening or what we've learned and put it in proper context I look forward to hearing your discussions in tutorial