What is different about this Transformational Leadership? You may have heard the term transformational leadership You know, it's a term that has become a genre
My name is Ford Taylor and I am the founder of this Transformational Leadership So, what is different? A lot of leadership programs talk about the what leadership is This program talks about not just the what but the how, the who, the when, the where and the why of leadership It gives tools and techniques of how to cast vision, purpose, and mission, to take our company, our organization into the future This program talks about that if you have influence with one person that by definition makes you a leader
An organization is anytime two or more people are in a relationship So, it refers to any organization that you might live, work or play in We don't just talk about conflict being a problem We give the tools on how to resolve conflict, how to shut down gossip in your organization, how to remove personal constraints We talk about what causes anger, but we go a step further and we talk about how to remove inappropriate anger
Techniques that cause the anger to go down and when the anger goes down the creativity goes up We not only talk about definition of leadership but the purpose, to cast vision, serve, teach, train, equip, empower, let go and evaluate And how to do each of those steps to be able to build a high performing team that has healthy relationships along with high individual performers It's been on my bucket list for a long time to take Transformational Leadership, what we call TL, into the future and now I get the chance to take it 12 hours into the future It's been on my bucket list to take this to Australia and now to get to go into the future by 12 hours and take TL, Transformational Leadership, into Melbourne, Australia
We're going to be doing that on August 7th, 8th and 9th at Hillview Community Church in Rowville, Victoria, Australia If you're interested in attending not just the what but the how, the who, the when, the where, and the why, click on this link and join us at the Transformational Leadership Oh, and by the way, thank you for filling my bucket