Tony Robbins: THE SECRET TO SELF CONTROL (Amazing Motivational Speech)

the difference in people the difference in performance the difference in the final result the outcome is it usually dependent upon skill is that what makes one person better than other yes or now how many seen someone with an unbelievable innate skill get wiped out by an athlete a person a business individual who clearly had less skill how many seen this happen say I it's our ability to maximize we said on day one leaders are transform organizations you want to grow this company you want to transform this company leaders do it a leader doesn't mean everybody else follows you it just means that you have a higher what a higher standard than anybody else does will make you the leader is when you have a higher expectation not of other people anybody can do that of whom of yourself so if you want to know what does it take to take things to the highest level what's gonna take to change my business permanently not temporary you go home and you can install some of these strategy skills tactics tools insights and see a significant change but if that change is gonna be a lasting company of value that keeps growing then the things you've learned here have to become the standard for your organization not something you did for a period of time whenever you look at somebody and say why are they more successful anybody else it's always because of step one they've raised their standard if you go back home and you want to change your life in any way personally professionally or your company is boring as it sounds as stupid as it needed sound to my status meant all this time this energy this money and you're gonna tell me to raise my standards yes cuz even though that's not sexy it is the only thing that creates lasting change you want to dye it and you can lose weight but will that person eventually do they'll go where back unless they raise their standard now that sounds so trite and stupid and positive thing kyoro school but the truth is it's the truth so maybe I can language it away that's more compelling to you or a more simple what does it mean we say razor it means you turn your shoulds in the muss the difference in people is that they turn their shoulds in the must the things that you used to say I should do you do your sheds when it's convenient when it's comfortable when it goes your way but when something is a must not to other people but a must to you do you find the way to get it done yes or no so the difference in people is what's there must another word for that is what's their standard every personal issue in right now our bodies are reflection of our physical standards they are not a reflection of our desires many people's people have a desire for more energy or a better body or stronger body or more fit body we don't get our goals together mas the ones that are the must become how you are and guess what it shows up in your rituals when it's a mosque you have different rituals different things you do consistently when you must have your body a certain way then you should or you'd like to or you ought to how many thought I'm talking about here to say I so whether we want it or not the only way to change your body long-term is change what the must is for you now I'm gonna tell you what it should be who the hell am i I'm just saying maybe it's time for you to take a look as many times you set the standard a long time ago or you lost the standard completely because most of us based our standards by our environment who you spend time with is who you tend to become so if everybody around you is gained a little weight or everybody around you is you know constantly tired after a while even if you had high energy you don't want to make fun of them or tease them or make them feel bad so gradually subconsciously you lower your own Saturn just a little bit and that little bit is that old metaphor overused but true you take up frog and put them in boiling water what's it gonna do jump right out but if you put them in and turn the water real slowly over time it'll boil to death that's most people's lives isn't it it's usually because you haven't remembered the power of who you spend time with who you spend time with us who you become so when you want things that's great about this five days as you found people from all over the world who were all absolutely committed to go day and night night and day literally sometimes the food sometimes without but whose standard was I'm here to maximize Who I am what I'm about what I'm gonna take home what I'm gonna create that raises your game number play against some of your better than your skills gonna go down play against something better than you just to stay on the court the game has to go up want to change your life raise your standard want it raise your standards the most get around where it's better surround yourself with people playing the game much higher than you are so just to be around them your game has to rise that's part of what we try to do we come into a company we create that by raising the standard amongst them or you got to do it by yourself but you got to do it how many grades me on the say I and it starts with whom it starts with us so raise the stain I remember when I met Michael Jordan for the first time that's why I'm still with the Bulls if I asked him I got a chance to do some coaching a bunch of people and they got a new system because of this and I said Michael I said how is it you do this oh you're the best that's ever lived at this stage got that same question Wayne Gretzky an interesting Wayne Gretzky I read someplace and he gave me the same answer ice ask them the same thing you're not the fastest you're not the strongest you're not you know you don't how is it you're the great one when you're not the fastest the strongest the quickest he said well Tony appreciate the compliment but he said I think one of my advantages as most people skate to where the puck is and I skate to where the puck is going the power of what participation he knows the pattern with Jordan his standard was I asked him he said they dope Tony everybody you know I said what makes the best is that natural ability is a talent as a skill as a god-given as it strategy what is it he said Tony I think I can save this to you without it's saying like hyperbole he said I had got unbelievable natural skills but he said study my history and you'll know I am Who I am I did not make the high school varsity team when I was a sophomore in school high school I got cut he said I had a lot of natural talent but the greatest gift of my life was a coach who said you're not on the team and I looked at him I laughed you gotta put me on the team of the most talented guy out there he said no you're not he said you have a lot of natural talent but you have no heart no absolute commitment no real Drive you're not on my team and it just questioned and finally he negotiated he said look you want to be on my team next year simple leave me every morning before school for a one-on-one practice and I'll take this raw talent and I'll teach you discipline I'll show how to raise your standard and if you show up the whole year I'll guarantee a spot next year and if you don't probably the same outcomes could happen when you try out next year they couldn't believe it and guess what mostly don't know Michael Jordan got up every morning and drilled and drilled and drilled and didn't get to be on the team and next year he's on the team and he was not only good he was great guess what his career exploded when he lost again championship to Detroit and he was on the bus he said he was crying in the back of the bus physically crying pissed off and all the other players they hadn't done their job and something inside of him snapped and realized crying whining blaming everybody else is not the problem I need to raise my coz he realized that's what did it for him originally and you know he did that year he lifted weights like never in his entire life he decided he was going to dominate every person every person every floor every place every spot in the country he's gonna be stronger than anybody he practice like he'd never practiced in his life at all by the way he won how many NBA championships how many in a row three retired came back when hovering around three never anybody in history would even dream of such a thing especially after retirement that's the power of raising your standard but guess who he competes with Michael told me one time he goes Tony if I competed with other people I wouldn't be Who I am he said my competition is with the best I can be they're trying to compete with me that's why I beat them because they're competing with where I am but I'm competing with where I can be think about that mindset think out your life would be different if you raised the standard what you expected from yourself now you're people yourself to that level how things could shift it's all about changing your shirts too it's all about going back and saying this is how it's gonna be it's like when garyvee was here and he was guys who say man I'm working so all right man I work from 9:00 to 6:00 yeah what are you doing from 8:00 to 8:00 pm

to 2:00 I am that's when you master your craft I always say to people it's what you practice and private they'll you'll be rewarded for in public people say oh my god you know you have this great ability this great skill they didn't see all the hours this class this course I know tons of the stuff like the back of my hand but if you talk to my team who's exhausted they'll tell you we're up to 4:00 am almost every night to be able to figure out how to provide for you a life cycle and get it to be real so you can think about Nike and I've given you accurate information about Wednesday really get to young adult when they fall down we had to make phone calls read financials do all kinds of stuff we did all that stuff we're doing all these things we've accomplished so much I figure how to make it even better that level of commitment is what makes you great at what you do and gives you that little edge that makes you stand out from everybody else and that standing out is what makes somebody absolutely own an industry or brand themselves like nobody else in the world that process is what this is about raise your standard when you got to go home you gotta say where are we gonna raise the standard what am I gonna take that's be my should and make it absolute musts where are we gonna do that as a team and how we're gonna pull it off now who here is never fun way your income right now is a result of your standards as well it's not the industry and it's not the economy who here's making more money today they need to made 10 years ago when you cease your hands how many feel like it's not enough today let me set your hands and how could that be real estate so cheap now computers are cheaper than they were then you get so much more for your money because once you achieve a level who knows what happens you immediately you pose the gap you create a new gap EPS because that was makes a scrub who's willing to go back to where you were 10 years ago not many some of you you would because it's gotten worse than when I was 10 years for you but the majority there's no way see once you're fortunate enough if you don't like cleaning out so once you're fortunate to have somebody clean your toilets you will not be doing that again unless you like that you'll find somebody loves clean threads and you'll pay them hand some lien cuz now to go back and do that once you've had the privilege not having to do that it's a different game it's a gross metaphor but who gets what I'm talking about here say I once you have a mosque you find a way to get to it every one of you this room is earning what you must earn not a dime more don't get me wrong you might have big goals big desires but it's not a must for you because even the economy crunches if it's a must you will find the way how many glutes me on the say I see when I was a muster me to get at one level I did I've never I'm it was a must for me to finally make a million dollars a year I had my son Jared gonna be born I swore I would never have a child unless I was financially sat and I wasn't financially set and he was on his way I went from 38,000 dollars a year to making a million dollars a year in the next twelve months that was all BS in my head I thought all my growing up all the pain was because my parents fought because there was no money they would have fought anyway because I believe that though I raised the standard made it happen and I made a million dollars a year for seven straight years even though I dealt five more companies even though I was helping more people I made the same amount of money guess why that was my must at some level above that seen greedy that wasn't like I had this incredible lifestyle in the magical home at this place called the Del Mar castle overlooking the ocean and Del Mar California but I was on the road staying at the Ramada Inn in Milwaukee with shag carpeting and smelly you know dead animals on the wall on my birthday and my maid she's back at home in the castle going on mr Robins happy birthday I can't help thinking you it's so wonderful all miss Robins it's so beautiful here I was sitting on the jacuzzi overlooking the ocean oh yes oh I've lost 22 pounds I can't tell you it's been so amazing I get on your Stairmaster and I watch Oprah I love your gym mr Robbins I'm thinking she's got a multi-million dollar lifestyle how many can relate to this in some way right so I went from 38,000 a million if I changed my income it became an absolute what he wants nothing about money it was about growing because I knew to make more I'd have to help more people I'd have to expand and I came to this goal I wanted to feed all the people in San Diego that were homeless first my goal was of homeless people my goal was everybody I said if I go from 38,000 to a million I should they go from a million of three million in three years and I did in 12 months I found the why I found the reasons that a different rpm but it became a must for me not a shut you're meeting your must my friends maybe it's time to change your months some people's muster survive somebody's must is to be okay some you must a step free them some people's must have more than it could possibly spend some those monsters take care of everybody around them whatever your must is you're gonna get it when you leave here get clear on your must or raise your what step two real fast I'm gonna do it real fast who here has ever raised the standard and you get out there you go I'm gonna go do this now I'm committed I'm gonna change this I'm gonna make that happen I lose 50 pounds I'm gonna take my company the next level and you're all excited and then all sudden this voice in your set head goes who are you kidding who's never had one of these raise your hand say I so once you raise your standard you got to get certainty behind it you can sustain it and that means you got to change your limiting beliefs you got to change your limiting beliefs and who has limiting beliefs by the way who everyone does so you got to become aware of it and you get or destroy it now how to do that honestly if you've been DBW know how if you haven't come join me in San Jose or someplace else and come through the experience when you change you let me believe everything changes because as you believe so is it done unto you if you believe you're right you believe you're wrong you're right goes whatever you're certain about you find a way to support it I always teach people exercise try this and if you know it do it fresh look at this room real fast for everything that's brown in this room and give you a test what's brown quick look for Brown look for brown brown brown here burnt clothing brown all your eyes tell me everything you saw in this room that's that raise your hand if you see more brown and you husband red and say I open your eyes now look for red look for red look to read look to read look for a red look for a red look everywhere for red look for red raise your hand if you feeling more red this time raise your hand say aye why cause you're looking for it because whatever you focus on you'll find in fact you'll find stuff that's not there how many saw beige called it brown just to feel successful how many saw burgundy called it red just to feel successful see once you believe something is a certain way and you need for certainty you'll change things to meet that belief let me show you in two seconds flat while the rich get richer and the poor get poorer I call it the success cycle real fast dry yourself four squares put them up on the screen here you'll see so do this take a quick look you'll notice you've got the word potential up on the left hand square up in the right hand square is the word action bottom right is the word results bottom left is the word belief or another word for that would be a sense of certainty potential action belief results and notice there's arrows in a clockwise fashion where they just keep feeding each other over and over and over again so again it's potential action results belief one other word for that would be certainty now you ever notice how rich people tend to get richer and for people to get poorer and I don't just mean rich in financial terms I mean people that are rich emotionally should know so happy people tend to get happier and depressed people tend to get more depressed how many found this to be true to say that's because the power of momentum and what I'm about to show you so let me show you something here what's the potential of any human being you tell me quit unlimited do most people's results reflect that true potential yes or no no way why cuz most people aren't taking enough what but is it possible take a lot of action and still get lousy results what if you got a Salesman that works for you and they walk out and they knock on the hundred doors and they say you wouldn't want to buy anything from me would you or they don't say that verbally but they say it non-verbally is that going to affect their results yes or no so it's not enough even to take enough action because when we believe it's not gonna work or were uncertain does that affect how much of our potential we tap yes or no see if you don't think it's gonna work you're not gonna put out a bunch of your energy when you think it's gonna fail and by the way when you're not sure you tap a little potential do you take little or long who action when you're not sure when you think it's not gonna work you take massive action or little action now when you take little potential with little action what kind of results you get little lousy results and when you get lousy results what does that do to your belief you'll see I told you it wasn't gonna work told you was a waste of time and then by the way when you have lost belief how much more potential you take more or less if it's possible you tap less potential more or less action less and what happens be results they get even what and now they got worse results was that Duty belief and by the way now you see the current economy isn't it true everybody out there is going oh my god the results are so bad it's gonna get worse in the future so I better pull my horns there's less potential so I'm not gonna push as hard and I can take much action oh my god I'm getting lousy results with a little potential action oh my god it's gonna get worse that's what creates a recession depression whatever you want to call it how do you change that by the way can it work the opposite direction what would happen if something inside you gave you so much certainty inside of you that you felt absolutely certain that recession was your friend that the worst economy for you was the greatest time on earth and all you're gonna do is manage your state and apply your fundamentals and immerse state coach so you don't get off the target keep taking action and you can own your business and you go to other people's businesses how many believe that by the way now say I when you have that kind of certainty are you gonna use more of your potential when you go home or less which one's my friends are you gonna take less or more action when you are certain and you use lots of your potential with massive action what kind of results you get massive action gets massive results what kind of release do you get now when you get better results you go home use your car store you go home and you take one of these techniques you get a different response you go home and you stimulate a new source of profit or income you go home and you add a service you overdo anything and it works you bring us here it works now by the way I had a home ax we went in there thank God we went in there because they took our stuff and it looked like it wasn't working remember that because some people there didn't want the change to happen so we had to take in fire it was working we knew you can't take ass you can't sell that seed and reap nothing so you uncovered what was really going on you have to watch for the same thing three people on the size of your organization but bottom line when you get great results belief gets stronger now you're totally certain are you gonna use more or less potential my friends which one more I'm gonna take even more what good an even greater what even more certainty and now what happens your business and now you have a different momentum and so your economy does not have to reflect the economy you get to create your economy you get to decide whether you freeze the death or ski or snowboard it's winter but you can have the best time of your life it could be a sunny beautiful magical time but you got to do is you got to manage this process in order to do it you got to change your limiting beliefs and this week has been about doing that by giving you so many tools and examples you'll be immersed but I promise you when you go home all this is going to be tested a because all the stuff that's waiting for you after being gone for five days be all the people that you work with little limiting beliefs whether you have one employee or two because you're up in the army of one or two people or whether you got 10,000 and so you have to be able to implement this by the way is I'm gonna go sell you bring us in if we can help do you think we could help yes or now yes or now bring us in we'll do it or get your team together and find a way to make sure this momentum goes in the right direction make sense this is the must if you have this high standard but you don't really believe because the Momentum's in the wrong direction having the tools will be worthless that's where certainty that's where everything else we teach that's what I do in my events that's what you guys have been there before that's what you got to bring to the table one of the five keys for integrating this number one you got to go home and raise your lot come on guys raise your 1 which means turn your shirts into step number two you got to go out and change your limiting one find anything else limits you and destroy it what's the fastest way to destroy it you can do it very quickly by producing the results in your mind over and over again or why do you think I get people to walk on fire cause they think it's impossible when they walk this fire men's lead might say I can do it but when they get from that fire it's 2,000 degrees burning hot coals it gets their full attention and suddenly they have a state change and when you get yourself in a state where you can storm through fire it's not about fire walking the state your indication of the La Crosse fire is the metaphor for anything it used to stop you to fire your life and by the way when you cross fire and you're on the other side doing something you want so it was difficult or impossible if that easy your brain goes what else can I do that I thought was impossible it's unbelievable it's not intellectual it's emotional Plus after fire walking cold calling is not a problem they get the idea ladies and gentlemen all right so what we're really talking about here is changing your beliefs now here's the third key if you're gonna get maximum results you got a model what works we brought you for five days and nights here models of what works go back and get them now here's where the challenge is how many got tons to do in your normal list of things to do when you go home I may go off to do say I how many have a lot of outcomes you gotta go after say I how many on the same amount of time you're out before say I so in your business if you need something to get done you get it done because it's an absolute what or you hire someone to get it done hire us hire someone else get somebody inside but are these things you're going home with Mustard's which one do whatever it takes sad one of the money you know the money not to forget us hire some buddies an individual who knows what they're doing and put them in there leverage yourself the only way you're gonna get the game bigger is by taking a little bit of what my friends risk but that means get yourself some resources be resourceful enough to get the resources what's great about this what is this opening what is this creating what's possible what have I not seen this is gonna make me see what have I learned from this what can I learn from this what am I willing to do to still have it the way I want that's the fourth step you get you intensify and you innovate so then there's a final first step and that fifth steps really simple my friends and that is step up and give step up and give more than anyone else could possibly expect the ultimate transformation happens when you stop trying to get and start give whenever you're at your best you're giving I remember so vividly driving in my car my Volkswagen bug and I was struggling and I was 19 years old I was driving on the freeway in San Gabriel Valley a 210 freeway I'll never forget and it's midnight and I'm frustrated I felt like I tried everything I had these big gifts like the one you just saw and nothing was going my way and I was frustrated and I kept thinking how come I'm not getting what I want cuz all of a sudden it just hit me on the freeway I pulled over the side it was almost midnight no cars really around grab my journal I wrote I still have the journal to this day for when I was 19 years old full page I wrote the secret to living is giving and I realized why I wasn't doing well cuz I all focused about what I wasn't getting I was not focused on what I was not giving in the whole game changed [Music] you

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